For information on Platform Training and Guidance, visit our new Training Website


Get a Site

Entities that are interested in getting their own Colorado Content Management Solution site should complete the Statewide Internet Portal Authority's (SIPA) website request form. SIPA will reach out to you with more information about initiating a website project upon receipt of your request.

Types of Website Projects

Tyler Colorado has two types of website CMS projects. Traditional projects are ideal for entities that require more support throughout their website creation, including sitemap creation and training. FastTrack projects are ideal for entities that are comfortable completing their website with minimal support, are willing to complete the self-study training curriculum, and can commit to completing their website within 90 days of it being provisioned. Entities working on FastTrack projects will have the opportunity to get help from a CMS Specialist during weekly help sessions.

Learn more about Colorado Content Management Solution FastTrack projects!