Learn how to manage notices and alerts on your colorado.gov website.


Uploading Media

Media can be images, documents, files, or videos. In this section we will walk through adding images, adding files, and adding documents. 

Uploading an Image      Uploading a Document


Uploading an Image

1.    Navigate to Content > Add Media > Image.

screenshot showing where to add an image

2.    Add a name for your image and choose the file from either your computer or the IMCE file manager. 
3.    Add alternative text describing your image.
4.    Add any tags and a description if desired.









Screenshot showing the image upload screen

Uploading Documents

  1. Navigate to Content > Add Media > Document.
  2. Add a name for your file and select the file from your computer.
  3. Add tags as desired.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
screenshot showing where to upload a document